Faith Art Community Exploration

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Songwriters' Group

When we left Indiana for Sioux Falls, one of the things that I felt called to do was to help artists in their attempts to create art that is redemptive in nature and excellent in quality. I feel like this summer is finally a time to begin to dive into this task on a couple of different fronts.

For starters, Hal Swift and I are partnering to begin a group for songwriters where we can share ideas, begin to develop relationship and hopefully eventually engage in the process of providing constructive criticism, song writing partnership and resources for each other to grow as songwriters. I will readily admit that my songwriting skills are pretty basic and I've only written a few things that I can honestly say that I am pleased with from an artistic standpoint. I don't necessarily feel that songwriting is a major part of my call, but it is something that God has used to help us in the faith communities that we have served. My hope is that others who are at various stages in their development will come alongside us so that we can be an encouragement to each other and so that we will see God glorified.

Hal and I are currently planning on having our first songwriters' meeting at my house on Sunday, May 31 at 8pm. If you or anyone that you know in Sioux Falls might be interested in joining us or if you just want more information about what we are trying to accomplish, drop me a line.

This will not be the only artistic front that I am working on this summer, but most others will be specific to our ministry at Mercy Church and our efforts to engage more artistic expression in our worship gatherings.